I set about in life to learn many things because I have always been fascinated by this planet and what’s on it, but a few things caught my interest more than others….
Whilst doing my dive instructor exams in Tioman, Malaysia, I came across a man who was sitting on a beach, with a laptop, working. I saw my future.
So I learned many of the basics regarding website management, image manipulation, SEO, how to build and secure a server, 3d software, built one of the early Template stores and then managed websites for clients such as County Hall and the Film Museum in London.
....These days I use that early adopter experience to make the web a less befuddling place for other people....
Here are a few example websites that I made recently, using a mixture of WordPress, Elementor, Gutenberg as well as Woocommerce.
Moving Image
When the internet was still a new thing, one of the best ways to earn a living whilst travelling was to teach scuba diving.
I then moved on to making underwater video on a small island in Thailand.
Video Production
After running a business making underwater video for a few years I returned to the UK and, as my specialisation was run and gun video, I filmed anything from festivals to live performances.
I now specialise in using the minimum of equipment, hence I can get anywhere and still create video with stuff that can fit in a flight bag, editing 4k video on an iPhone if necessary. I have made video in Singapore, Korea, Berlin, Bangkok, Malaysia and Japan so far.
..and here is where it all started in 1998, filmed using video 8 and VHS on an island without mains electricity..
I was lucky to have learned the piano for a number of years as a child, I took the spirit of those years into my teens when I picked up a guitar and slotted into the raw chaos of the early 90’s. These days there’s less disharmony, having settled on a more acoustic style.
This is a video I made of one of my songs.
Artistic Licence
Video, Photography, Music, being called an artist, I couldn’t say no!
My love of photography started with an Olympus camera, back when you had to carry rolls of film with you for weeks.
Here is a small collection of pictures that were displayed at an exhibition.

The Wilderness
I love mountains, walking in the Andes, the lake district, they are places to get perspective.
I had fun learning to paraglide in Nepal, flying with the birds in the Himalaya.
I am lucky enough to be living in The Azores now, on an island in the middle of The Atlantic that’s volcanic and quite mysterious. I can also travel anywhere on this gorgeous blue green planet, if needs be.
My blog is at cybergypsy.eu